Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Lunch Box Wisdom 9 November 2015...

Lunch Box Wisdom 9 November 2015...

"Getting and inch of snow is like winning 10 cents in the lottery. ~ Calvin ( Bill Watterson )" 

I am a big fan of Calvin and Hobbes. So when my Wendy is out of town, I write my self a Calvin and Hobbes Quote.  I felt this one was great for November since I am dreaming of snow.

 When I was a kid we had so much more snow then we have now.  Or I was just a lot shorter.  Either way, I am spending time making sacrifices to the snow gods and hoping for our first snow day of the year with my finger crossed.

Does it snow where you are?  Do you love snow or hate it?  let me know :-)

Have a great day folks!  

Oh, and one of my favorite quote from Calvin...

"It’s a magical world, Hobbes, ol’ buddy…Let’s go exploring! ~ Calvin ( Bill Watterson )" 
-- Sixteen things Calvin and Hobbes said better then anyone else --

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