Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Lunch Box Wisdom 29 July 2015...

Lunch Box Wisdom 29 July 2015...

"If your not willing to learn, no one can help you.  If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you." 

Great advice in this one.  Your attitude can change everything in life.  You can be working the worst job for the worst pay and if you are thankful and positive your life will be filled.  The second piece of advice in this note is about having the willingness to learn.  That reminds me of a story about a wise old man and his apprentice....

The apprentice asked, " Master,  how will I become as wise as you?" 

The wise master led his apprentice to the ocean and proceeded to dunk him and hold under the water.  The apprentice was calm at first and soon he began to struggle.  He flailed and fought with all his strength until he freed himself from his masters grasp.  

He came out the water gasping for air and cried, " why would you do such a thing to me. I only  wished to learn from you." 

The master calmly replied, " when you wish to learn as earnestly as you wanted to be free and breathe, then you will truly study with all your heart and learn all I know and more."

It's a pretty rough way to learn, but the point is still valid... " if you are determined to learn, no one can stop you."

Be determined to learn, let nothing distract you from you goals and you will reach them...

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