"Lets find some beautiful place to get lost."
Any way... the need to adventure has long been a part of my core self. My cousins and I would pack some snacks and disappear along the Snake River all day long. We would make up grand adventures and stories about all sorts of worlds and places we would visit. Fueled by stories like Elf Quest, and John Carter of Mars, Starship Troopers and The Belgariad, Conan and Red Sonjia... we would make our own weapons from fallen tree branches and then roam all over. We would quest for great treasure or hidden caves hoping to live in a Star Wars universe or Krull like world with fantastic beasts and mystical magics. All before it would get too dark to see. Then we would have to go home for flash lights or to do chores and home work.

Now that I am older I still crave adventures. But Wendy and I don'd just crave them... we get out there and find the adventures we crave. Whether its notes like today's urging each other to to get lost... in a nice way, or planning a quick trip to our favorite ride spot. We just get out there and enjoy the world. We put almost 10,000 mikes a year our motor cycles alone. That's not counting the hiking, camping, flying or walking we do. That adventure, downtime, non screen time or what ever you call it, is what refuels your creative soul, your inner kid, the very essence of you that allows you to look at things with an open mind. Its like a solar panel for your mind.
Now here is your challenge...queue mission impossible theme music... Go out and enjoy life for just 5 minuets a day. You will see your appetite for adventure grow and you will overcome your fears in all other parts of your life. It happens a little at a time, but you will find more time in your day to recharge and create. You can do it! I believe in you ;-)
Have a great day folks!
~ Lost sends...
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