Lunch Box Wisdom 11 Jan 2018...
"It is ok to try and fail, but not to fail to even try."
Try... always try. Never stop trying. Every failed try is one step closer to success. The entire Scientific Method is based on trying. You find something you want to learn or test and you give it a shot, record results, ponder what you learned, and then try again in a new way... over and over until you succeed. No where in that method does it say to give up. Nor does it say any place to stop and have a fit... that is for my kids benefit :-)
You know how you loose something and you always find it in the last place you look? Imagine if you always gave up right before that spot. So many things would never be found. Imagine if you never took that last step towards meeting your best friend. All the cool stories and secrets you would have missed out on. All the adventures you would have missed!
Here is challenge for you today... look back at something you gave up on. Something simple like learning to juggle or leaning a new dance, or just learning the words to a favorite song. Now try again. That's all... just give it another shot... and then another. Keep trying until you get it. That one small success will fuel you.
I always like to remember one of may favorite quotes from the movie Better off Dead...
"I think all you need is a small taste of success, and you will find it suits you."
So get out there and try. Keep on trying... you got this!
~Lost Sends...