Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Lunch Box Wisdom 22 Nov 2016...

Lunch Box Wisdom 22 Nov 2016... 

"Live in such a way that if someone should speak badly of you no one would believe it."

I have always loved this quote.  It reminds me that no matter what some one else says about me or does to me I am still responsible to be a good person and react in a positive way.  I used to say that I want my grave stone to say, " He was always a good guy."   Not a overly nice guy or a push over, just a good guy. 

That often leads to another quote I love... "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness. I am kind to everyone, but when someone is unkind to me, weak is not what you are going to remember about me."  It Reminds me not to be a door mat either.  ;-) 

~Lost sends...

Lunch Box Wisdom 21 Nov 2016...

Lunch Box Wisdom 21 Nov 2016...

"You're constantly creating your reality and you couldn't stop if you tried."

~Lost sends...