Monday, July 4, 2016

Lunch Box Wisdom 1 July 2016...

Lunch Box Wisdom 1 July 2016...

"What ever you decide to do... make sure it makes you happy! "

Do you have things you do just because you have to?  We all do.  There is the trash, the dishes, laundry... never ending laundry... But we are not talking about the day to day that everyone has to do. We are talking about the things you choose to spend your time on.  For example today I choose to write blog entry. I could have done all sorts of the things, but the few hours I get to spend on a blog entry always gives me a that good warm feeling.  I could have cleaned the garage, or revised my resume for the 7th time in two weeks ( I'll have to explain that one later), or take the puppies for a walk.  None of those are really bad choices, but choosing to write and entry today will give me the energy and inspiration to do all those other things better.

The hunt for another IT day job has consumed me for almost 6 months now and it's incredibly frustrating.  I have over 25 years in this field, and I am exceptionally skilled in all sorts of systems and infrastructure.  I have worked all over the world and for all sizes of companies, but I am still job hunting.  Luckily, I run a small consulting company, but its not enough to pay all the bills. So long story short... the 8th revision to my resume may not have been the best way to start my day.  Yes, I need to update it and send it to latest recruiter, but this side track to talk to all of you will give me the "happy" I need to tackle yet another day of interviews with people who know very little about what they need some one like me to do. While I am trying to convince the HR person that my beard does not detract from my ability to present technical solutions to executives over video conferences, I will have this morning of clarity to help me keep smiling.  Additionally, I will have this morning to help me stay awake while I am working on laptop riddled with viruses from an owner swears, " I never downloaded those questionable files".  Let's be honest, those are my favorites.  The ones where no one knows how all the strange pictures got onto there, and the logs of late night chats must belong to someone else... :-) Yes, your buddy that fixes PC's know where you have been on the internet. And if he/she is really good they will fix the problems with out telling you they know about your addiction to cat videos and dungeon porn. It's OK, I have seen it all ;-)

I just finished a book by Jenny Lawson titled, "Furiously Happy" and it was so fun and I learned so much about making the most of the good moments. She has written other books too, and her blog is great!  When she writes about Victor (her Husband) and their conversations it reminds me of some of the wonderful talks I have with my Muse Wendy. She puts up with a lot of randomness from me and I realize Jenny and Victor have similar conversations.  Jenny, you channel my desire for random adventures with Mr. Moose and the Moose family so well, thank you for your Book and for understanding your self so well.... 

So back to you.  I encourage you to take a moment and look at what you are deciding to do today.  Make it a positive choice. There are all sorts of things we have to do, but the things you choose to do today will set the tone for every thing you encounter.  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, and choose one thing to do that makes you happy... You will be so glad you did.  

Have a great day folks! Remember, I believe in you :-)

~ Lost sends...